Friday 9 June 2017

Orgalutran - Not my friend

My evening date with Gonal F has been going well. After 5 days, I feel like a pro and inject myself without any issues.

Yesterday I started my morning injection - Orgalutran.

I approached it like my evening injection, not expecting to have any issues. I am sure the needle must by much wider. It was so hard to get it to go into my skin. A lot more force was required. This picture sums up what it felt like.

And then, ouch - boy does this one sting !

I don't like Orgalutran.

So my evening Gonal F is over stimulating my ovaries to encourage lots of eggs, while Orgalutran is telling my body not to release any of these eggs.

I am pleased to say that so far, I have not experienced any side effects, although my tummy is now starting to show the signs of being used as a pin cushion.

And I have learnt something new about Flex Thunderstache.

He doesn't like needles.

He can't watch while I do the injections, instead he sits around the corner from me, where there is no chance of seeing it, and calls out encouraging words of support from the couch.

Thanks Flex.

Tomorrow I have my first scan and blood test. This will be the first indication of how I am responding to the meds - hopefully well, but not too well, I don't want to be at risk of OHSS (Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome)

I will update you all tomorrow with how the scan goes.

Until then, thanks for reading

Xxx Alana, Flex Thunderstache and Frankie

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