Tuesday 13 June 2017

Excited for a needle free day

I woke up this morning feeling really excited and happy that not only am I finished with the Orgalutran, I have a needle free day today.

But needle free day was not yet meant to be - I ended up having an acupuncture session this afternoon to help with blood flow and prepare my body for what is to come tomorrow.

Fortunately I had a few acupuncture sessions last year so I am used to it and know what to expect. I actually find it really relaxing now and I usually fall asleep. Lovely.

On Saturday I met up with my sock buddy to exchange gifts. The idea with sock buddies is that you are matched up with a girl who is doing an IVF cycle around the same time as you. You exchange some 'lucky socks' and we also decided to do a little care package. It is so great having someone to talk to who knows exactly what you are going through. The reason for the 'lucky socks' is because during egg collection and embryo transfer you are only allowed to wear their oh so attractive gown, bra and a pair of socks. It will be nice to take something fun and colourful into the procedure with me.

Thank you Rissa for the lovely gifts and the dino socks! I love them.

So tomorrow is egg collection day.

They will use a big needle to pass through my vagina and into the ovary. The needle then turns into a vacuum cleaner type thing that will suck out my eggs.


I hope the sedative is strong.

This part of the process is what I have been feeling most nervous about. Your prayers and positive thoughts are appreciated.

Tomorrow we will also find out how many eggs they were able to retrieve. IVF is a numbers game. I am hopeful there will be lots, but you just don't know.

Goodnight and sleep tight.
Love from the egg factory, Flex and Frankie Xxx

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